
看英語講台語 噴泉

貫入日光 Into the sunshine,

飽滿生輝 Full of the light,

跳舞閃閃sihsih Leaping and flashing,

ui早起到暗時 From morn till night!

貫入月光 Into the moonlight,

純白勝過雪 Whiter than snow,

飄遙親像花 Waving so flower-like

di風中一直吹 When the winds blow!

貫入星光 Into the starlight,

絞起浪花 Rushing in the spray

暝也歡喜 Happy at midnight,

日也歡喜 Happy by day.

活動ve停 Ever in motion,

歡樂gorh快活 Blithesome and cherry,

一直veh爬上天 Still climbing heavenward,

m知veh厭sen Never aweary:

不管天氣變化 Glad of all weathers,

總是歡歡喜喜 Still seeming best,

向上、落下 Upward or downward

di動中歇睏 Motion thy rest;

元氣飽水 Full of a nature

無什麼可馴服 Nothing can tame,

時刻攏deh變化 Changed every moment,

無改意志 Ever the same;

一直興奮 Ceaseless aspiring,

無停止滿足 Ceaseless content,

無分日暗 Darkness or sunshine

是你e質素 Thy element;

光榮e噴泉啊! Glorious fountain!

ho我心如是 Let my heart be

新潮 活化 永遠 Fresh, changeful, constant,

若如你e上進! Upward like thee!


By James Russell Lowell,美國詩人,1819-1891,zit首詩以輕快節奏表現出美國質感e樂觀情形;

translated by ChunHong


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