
看英語講台語 By Robert Louis Stevenson(1850-1894); translated by ChunHong

No.1 雨Rain

雨,du deh 落gah逐位去, The rain is raining all around,

雨,落di 田野gah樹枝。 It falls on field and tree,

雨,落di 雨傘頂, It rains on the umbrellas here,

Ma 落di船過e海湧。 And on the ships at sea。

No.2孩童e全責任 Whole Duty of Children

一個qin-a 應該必須定定講實在話, A child should always say what’s true,

尚且講e當中愛斟酌家己講e話, And speak when he is spoken to,

坐di飯桌仔邊愛有禮貌e行為: And behave mannerly at table:

上少愛盡伊e規矩。 At least as far as he is able。

NO.3夏日床中 Bed in Summer

Di冬天半暝 我起床,In winter I get up at night,

穿戴黃金色水e蠟條光。 And dress by yellow candle-light。

Di夏日,全無仝e興味, In summer,quite the other way,

我喜愛di日中倒di床頂去。 I have to go to bed by day。

我必須倒di床頂探視, I have to go bed and see,

鳥隻一直di樹椏跳來跳去, The birds still hopping on the tree,

或者是傾聽人群e腳步聲踏起, Or hear the grown-up people’s feet,

一得到ui街路中經過我e耳。 Still going past me in the street。

仝款e代誌 親像對你無難知, And does it not seem hard to you,

Dng 天際全藍青, When all the sky is clear and blue,

我深愛按呢排戲 , And I should like so much to play,

敢講日時 倒di眠床 無道理? To have to go bed by day?

*** By Robert Louis Stevenson(1850-1894); translated by ChunHong ***


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